A Moveable Feast: 11th American Literature/Composition

11th American Literature/Composition Winter 2008

Reflecting On Tonight’s Research, Thursday, February 7, 2008 February 8, 2008

Filed under: Presidential Candidate Paper — Buffy J. Hamilton @ 2:00 am
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Please answer these questions thoughtfully—you may type and save in Word before you post.  Please answer in complete sentences.

1.  As of tonight, who is your candidate of choice?
2.  What did you learn about your candidate tonight?  Please explain in 3-4 sentences.
3.  As of tonight, what are the three issues that are important to you and that you are in agreement with regarding your candidate?
4.  What was the most helpful information source you viewed tonight?
5.   Based on what you read tonight, what is one question you have for your candidate?
6.  How many sources did you put into NoodleTools tonight?
7.  What questions, if any, do you have about the research assignment at this time?

Thank you!

Mrs. Hamilton 🙂