A Moveable Feast: 11th American Literature/Composition

11th American Literature/Composition Winter 2008

Tuesday, February 5, 2008: Writing Our Presidential Candidate Persuasive Essay February 5, 2008


This week we will be working to compose a five paragraph essay that effectively argues three reasons as to why the candidate of your choice should be elected president. 

I will be providing you a pathfinder that will provide you:

1.  Quality and balanced information sources on all candidates.  These resources will include approved websites, news articles, and magazine articles.  You must use the pathfinder I have provided.

2.  An outline that we will use to compose our five paragraph persuasive essay.

3.  Tips and strategies for writing effective persuasive essays.  We will also incorporate effective elements of persuasive writing based on our models we looked at in Unit 2:  works by Thomas Paine and Patrick Henry.

You will be required to use NoodleTools to create:

1.  A Works Cited page in MLA format
2.  MLA parenthetical references to cite the facts you use to support each position statement. 
3.  Use the electronic notecards to take notes.  You should at least 3 notecards per body paragraph.

If you have not used NoodleTools in the past, have no fear!  I will give you expert instruction on how to tap into this wonderful research tool.

Please visit http://webtech.cherokee.k12.ga.us/creekview-hs/mediacenter/hamilton_persuasive_presidential.htm to access our research pathfinder page. 

If you want to go directly to our del.icio.us bookmarks for resources we will be using, go to http://del.icio.us/hamilton_11th/presidential.candidate.persuasive.essay.  You will be required to use at least 3 sources from the pathfinder (more info to come!).

Mrs. Hamilton 🙂